Thursday, February 12, 2009

Only by Breaking Free of Psychic Constraints can we Hope to Become Unique Individuals

Sometimes we tend to get in the way of our own successes because of the mindset or perhaps the barriers that we put on our minds. We tend to think negative thoughts or shut information out or become ignorant to it. This stops us from growing into the great successful young men and women we have the potential to be. No matter how much positive feedback we get from outside forces, when we fill our mind with constraints we do not believe in ourselves and can not harbor up the confidence to accomplish things. I think that once we remove constraints from our minds we can do great things.

In this case I would like use myself as an example. I came to Michigan State University in the fall with several psychological constraints I did not know if I wanted to be here. I told myself " I can not do this!" "This work is way to challenging!" I had accepted failure for the first time in my life, therefore I was not successful. I did not give myself the opportunity to grow towards becoming a great unique individual because I had negative things going through my mind or psychological constraints perhaps. I had already defeated myself before the battle had even begun. I contributed to my own defeat when I could have contributed to my success by changing my mental state and removing those constraints. However, I am proud to say that this semester I have removed most of those constraints, and I am in a much better place! I will continue to tear down the barriers in my mind and I will become a better individual because I know that "The struggle doesn't break me it makes me stronger!"

( A rapper that I have often recorded with)


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