Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 Random Things

1. I've been on stage since the age of three

2.I eat an entire bowl of Green Beans with Bavarian sauce like its a full course meal

3. I have this thing where if there is 1 other person sitting at a table besides me they cannot sit directly in front of me, especially if its a girl. Weird I know...

4. If I'm into a guy and he sits to the right of me, it does not feel right! So I ask him to move.

5.For some reason I think brushing my teeth before I sing helps my voice.

6. When someone tells me I can't do something it gives me more motivation to do it, and prove them wrong.

7. I tend to forget things that just happened really quickly.

8. I always have a hard time remembering peoples names! I don't know how many times I've hung out with people for a while without knowing there names, and I always make them introduce themselves when other people come around just so I wont look like an idiot.

9. I absolutely love Bertha McNeal and Cal Street from the Motown group the "Vevelettes"! They are like second mommies to me:)!

10. I always try and look beyond what's on the surface, I don't care how many people may say something negative about a person I always have to see for myself.

11. I have no problem entertaining myself, I laugh at all my own jokes even if they are not funny to anyone else.

12. I absolutely can't stand my middle name, I usually don't say it but I think I will.....no never mind enough people have figured it out to torture me they want.

13. I always do what I feel, I tend to break out in random song in elevators, hallways, bathrooms, outdoors, anywhere I feel like, I just have to get it out of my system

14. Oh this sort of relates to #13. I also have diagnosed myself with a little disease I like to call Musical Theatre turrets because NO matter where I am or what I am doing, if I feel it coming on I just have to break out into scene or musical number! So if you're with me prepare to be embarrassed, because I do not care hehe

15. Really gross! One time someone cracked one and I thought breakfast was on the stove. Ewww

16. I cannot do something unless my heart is in it, I always follow my heart and if if something is disharmonious with that it never tends to work out.

17. I think I was reincarnated! I have had this reoccurring dream that I was going to audition for Motown in Detroit and someones calling my name as I am approaching Hitsville and just before I turn around to see who it is I hit the ground and wake up from my dream. I think someone shot me and now I am back to make it big! Screw u person with the gun!

18. I have a super over active imagination, i've gone outside and stood under the sun and closed my eyes because I just knew I was going to fly.....and no not when I was a kid hehe

19. Everyone who knows me knows I am totally obsessed with Michael Jackson to the point where I know his shoe size! Don't challenge me to anymore MJ Quiz Duals, You'll lose every time!

20. My life would be nothing without music, there wouldn't be too much for me to live for without it inn my life.

21. I say I get irritated not MAD! Because when I get mad I am ready to kill, and it takes a lot to get me to that point. I've only been mad twice in this lifetime.

22. I think I have just a touch of OCD

23. I have may theories about life, and death and many other things. Talk to me about it one day.

24. My favorite food is Shrimp Scampy (Garlic Buttered)! I prefer Red Lobster! My favorite Restaurant. I am a very picky eater.

25. What you SEE is Def. NOT What or All you get! I am more complex than what people perceive me to be. Get close to me and you'll find out that there is a little more to Jac than you thought.

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